Why am I writing?

I can be described as a Godly misfit. I have a story, beliefs about the world, and more importantly, convictions about the Church. My words have a tendency to get me into trouble. I’ve been removed from two churches, booted from a deacon board, and have made a practice of warning people about my abrasiveness before coming into fellowship with them. After laboring for years to work on my tone and delivery, without much of any visible change in receptiveness, I have decided to create a new outlet for lament.

What motivates the words I choose to use? Why do I make claims on authority? Why do I believe I should confront things that aren’t what they ought to be? This is their origin. These are my stories. These are my experiences, my story, my prayers in response to God’s work in my life.

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Subscribe to get full access to my letters and more insight into the thoughts and motives of my heart. I want to talk with you and reflect on the things of God. It’s just after much struggle, I’m going to go about that in a different way.

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Be part of a community of people who love Jesus and who also struggle to feel like they do it right. Let’s do it better, together. At least that’s my hope!

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To guard my thoughts, motive and delivery, I give them all to the Lord in the hopes of being heard and judged justly by those that care to hear. In a world rife with offense, I pivot my conviction before men to a plea before God.
